
    How to Prepare for The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

    The fates of Class VII and the Special Support Section will soon be revealed.

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie marks the end of an era for the long-running Trails games as the fates of Erebonia, Liberl, and Crossbell heroes culminate in a single game. Players triumphed over the Great Twilight crisis in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV, but more threats and revelations will emerge in the post-war climate. Before diving into The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie, fans should prepare for what’s to come in order to get the best possible experience. 

    Play/Replay The Crossbell Titles

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure is finally available now in English for consoles and PC, and it’s one of the best games in the entire series. Those who missed out on the Crossbell duology should definitely give it a shot since Lloyd Bannings returns as a primary protagonist. In fact, The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie will address Crossbell’s ultimate fate as the Special Support Section seeks to liberate the city state. The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero and The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure are seriously important titles to play in order to fully understand the significance of Crossbell.

    Watch the Secret Cutscene in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV

    Those who have fully caught up to the true ending of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV may have finally set their controller aside after completing the long journey. However, Falcom hid a secret ending cutscene in the game that some may have missed. In order to view the secret cutscene, players must first reach the true ending of the game, view the epilogue sequence narrated by Rean, and view the end credits. Then, players must reload the clear save file to view the secret cutscene. This cutscene is especially important since it directly ties into what’s to come in The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie.

    Read All Volumes of the “III & IX” Book Series

    Throughout The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV, players may collect volumes in the “III & IX” book series. The book details an intriguing backstory of N and S, who are actually Nadia Rayne and Swin Abel. Nadia and Swin are two new characters arriving in The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie, so it may be worthwhile to invest some time into their backstories before playing. These volumes may be read at the official website, courtesy of NIS America!

    Keep Your Save Data

    Players are rewarded for playing through the Crossbell and Erebonia series of games and being fully caught up with the Trails series. Save data from The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure and The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam unlocks special bonuses in The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie. On PlayStation 5, these bonuses are automatically given since the save data feature is not supported on the console. 

    Lastly, The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie launches July 7 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

    More Trails into Reverie Guides

    Soul Kiwami
    Soul Kiwami
    Raul Ochoa, a.k.a. Soul Kiwami, is the Managing Editor of Final Weapon and a Games Writer at Game Rant with four years of writing and editing experience. Raul is passionate about the Japanese gaming industry, and he's a huge fan of Nintendo Switch, PC hardware, JRPGs, and fighting games. business email: [email protected] | Muck Rack:

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