
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie – All Finale Extras

    The path toward Reverie.

    The Finale of The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is filled with side content and Extras that players should consider doing before moving onto the penultimate dungeon. Extras are typically denoted on the map with a blue or green star icon, but it’s easy to miss out while exploring the overworld in the Finale. Fortunately, we’ve compiled the noteworthy pieces of content that players should explore during the particular segment of The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie.

    Note: Going forward, this guide will contain spoilers about the Finale chapter of The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

    After reaching the Finale, players may explore the entirety of Crossbell just like in The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure. This gives players the opportunity to catch up with characters and complete Extras found throughout the region. Moreover, the Finale is the last opportunity for exploration in Crossbell, so many areas will be permanently inaccessible.

    In short, the Finale is the place to finish up or progress the following Trails into Reverie content:

    All of the Extras and noteworthy content from the Finale may be found below:

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie – All Finale Extras

    • Investigate the Geofront B Sector/S-11 Depths for an Extra scene. 
    • Visit the True Reverie Corridor for another cutscene
    • An Extra monster may be fought near the fishing spot in Knox Forest Path 1
    • Head to Crossbell Prison and meet up with Detective Dudley in Prison – Depths
    • Return to the Underground Freight Line leading to the RF Military Factory to face an Extra monster and open new treasure chests
    • An Extra monster may be fought in Ancient Battlefield – Depths
    • Examine the Extra point in Mainz Mountain Path 2
    • An Extra monster may be fought in Moon Temple – Depths
    • Talk to Oscar in Morges Bakery, then head to Ursula Road Field Ex. Camp for a sub event. Deliver the key item to Oscar after the sub event
    • Jeweled Cancer may be caught at Ursula Road 2 after speaking to the Fisherman’s Guild and catching all previous fish
    • Visit St Ursula Medical College and talk to Dr. Seiland and Linde
    • An Extra monster may be fought at Stargazer’s Tower
    • An Extra monster may be fought at Lake Elm Wetlands 1
    • Talk to Matthew in Mishelam Wonderland and head to Castle of Mirrors – Depths

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

    More Trails into Reverie Guides

    Soul Kiwami
    Soul Kiwami
    Raul Ochoa, a.k.a. Soul Kiwami, is the Managing Editor of Final Weapon and a Games Writer at Game Rant with four years of writing and editing experience. Raul is passionate about the Japanese gaming industry, and he's a huge fan of Nintendo Switch, PC hardware, JRPGs, and fighting games. business email: [email protected] | Muck Rack:

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