We have a guide on how to get the Pact Ring needed to Romance a partner. However, we did mention that not everyone’s S-Rank is romantic. There are various tiers to this. You have Romantic Interests, your flirters, and close friends! Don’t worry there are homosexual options! Use our FE Engage Romance Options Guide in order to find a friend for life or not get your heart broken.
These options are your average romance options! Enjoy!
- Alfred
- Bunet
- Chloe
- Citrinne
- Diamant
- Goldmary
- Ivy
- Jade
- Kagetsu
- Lapis
- Louis
- Mauvier
- Merrin
- Pandreo
- Panette
- Seadall
Male Homosexual Romance
These are your Male Romance options if you picked the Male Protagonist!
- Alfred
- Bunet
- Diamant
- Kagetsu
- Louis
- Mauvier
- Pandreo
- Seadall
Female Homosexual Romance
These are your Female Romance options if you picked the Female Protagonist!
- Chloe
- Citrinne
- Goldmary
- Ivy
- Jade
- Lapis
- Merrin
- Panette
Friends… Maybe More?
These S-Ranks are on the flirty side. Are they just teasing you or do they LIKE like you? You’ll never know, but it could be worse. They at least like you!
- Framme
- Fogado
- Hortensia
- Rosado
- Timerra
- Vander
- Yunaka
Well, the line has to be drawn somewhere. You’re in their heart, just not on the top shelf. This may very well be what you want! Romance isn’t for everyone (or you may not like the Romance options…)!
- Alcryst
- Amber
- Anna
- Boucheron
- Celine
- Clanne
- Jean
- Linden
- Saphir
- Veyle
- Zelkov