The English Twitter/X account of Toei Animation has teased an upcoming announcement for the Girls Band Cry anime. The announcement is “coming soon.”
Girls Band Cry is an original anime from Toei Animation. Toei is a beloved studio known for several different anime over the last ten years. Examples include One Piece, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and more. In February, they revealed the first trailer for the series and confirmed its premiere date of April 5, 2024. Currently, the series is not available to watch on any streaming platform.
Girls Band Cry Hints at New Reveal, Likely a Western Release
The English Twitter/X account of Toei Animation has teased an upcoming announcement for the Girls Band Cry anime. Currently, the anime is unavailable to watch in the West. The announcement is likely hinting at a worldwide release for the anime. Toei will likely reveal more details about the series in the coming weeks.
Here’s a description of the anime series from Toei Animation, via Anime News Network:
The main character drops out of high school in her second year, and aims at entering a university while working alone in Tokyo. A girl is betrayed by her friends and doesn’t know what to do. Another girl is abandoned by her parents, and tries to survive in the city by doing part-time jobs. This world lets us down all the time. Nothing goes as planned. But we want something that we can continue to like. We believe there’s a place where we belong. That’s why we sing.
Girls Band Cry is currently unable to stream. Toei will likely reveal more about when it will be available on select distributors in the coming weeks.