Nihon Falcom revealed a pre-order bonus for the upcoming Nintendo Switch release of Tokyo Xanadu eX+, which seemingly teases a sequel. Currently, fans in Japan may pre-order a physical Switch copy of Tokyo Xanadu eX+ from the Falcom Shop to receive the early purchase bonus (Thanks, @Hansuke21).
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ Sequel on the Way?
Customers that pre-order Tokyo Xanadu eX+ from the Falcom Shop will receive a B6 ring notebook known as the “Otherworld Notebook -T.X.K-.” On the cover of the notebook, the tagline reads “You remember what Rem said, don’t you?” Moreover, the notebook’s description reads “”Tokyo Earthquake, The Morimiya Otherworld Incident and~”. Two character silhouettes may be seen on the covers, but these characters do not appear to be recognizable from any of the cast already found within Tokyo Xanadu eX+. This may be a tease for a potential Tokyo Xanadu eX+ sequel, but nothing has been confirmed yet by Falcom.
Before the release of Tokyo Xanadu eX+ and a probable sequel, fans may check out a new gameplay trailer for the Switch version here. The latest trailer featuring the memorable theme song “Seize the day” by Falcom Sound Team jdk and SPiKA. Fans can expect more details about the upcoming Switch release soon.
Here’s a look at the Otherworld Notebook in question via the official Tokyo Xanadu eX+ product page:
Falcom fans may also look forward to Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana for Nintendo Switch and Ys X: Nordics for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana launches first on April 27 in Japan followed by the Chinese and Korean release on May 25. Ys X: Nordics releases later this year in Japan.
In the west, fans may look forward to the long-awaited release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie on July 7 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. An English release for The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki has been confirmed by Falcom, so stay tuned at Final Weapon for more news, updates, and reviews.
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ launches June 29 for Nintendo Switch in Japan. Lastly, Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is available now for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and PC via Steam.
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