Dragon Quest Builders is a fantastic fusion of crafting games and traditional JRPGs. There is a ton of content to tackle in this 40+ hour game, including many trials and tribulations that the player must face. One of the extra things players can do in order to gain some rewards and a sense of gratification is the Chapter Challenges. What are these and how do you do them? Read our Dragon Quest Builders Chapter Challenges Guide to help you attain the status of ‘Legendary Builder’!
Why not give our review of the game a little look-see? Could be informative! You can also purchase Dragon Quest Builders right from the Steam Store!
What are Chapter Challenges?
First off, you can’t really view these challenges until after you beat a chapter. Doesn’t stop you from completing them beforehand, though! Many of these challenges involve doing things you would normally do, such as gathering items and improving your base. However, there are some extra things like completing quests given to you and some hidden side content. What these challenges do is that upon completion, they allow you to build more things in Terra Incognita by unlocking new recipes for you. This makes that extra mode much more fulfilling to play with a bevy of new options. Not to mention that completing these challenges is just downright satisfying!
Dragon Quest Builders Chapter 1 Challenges

Use the above map to aid you in accomplishing these objectives and more!
- Collect 150 different types of items.
- Build your base to level 5.
- Defeat the three dragons.
- Build a Cantlin garden.
- Repair the hammerhood’s graveyard.
Three Dragons Locations:
- Cantlin Plains: – southmost area of the island, asleep in flowers
- Hammerhood Heights – mountains behind the ruined fortress.
- The Damdara Desert – mountains east of the pyramid
Cantlin Garden:
- Put these items inside of a room: bench, flower (x10), plant (x5), water block (x8), plumberry tree, and a brazier.
Hammerhood’s Graveyard:
- Go to The Damdara Desert. Talk to a brownie that’s there. He will teach you how to build a stone memorial. Next, return to Hammerhood Heights and visit the destroyed graveyard. Craft and place the memorials.
Need help with some of the challenges of other chapters? Use our other guides!