In the new issue of Famitsu, it was revealed that Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, the Gameboy Advance Classic, is coming to Nintendo Switch on October 17 in Japan. Marvelous is handeling the remake, and for now, we have these screenshots of the graphically updated game.
Due to Marvelous deciding to have their own American division separate from Natsume, if the game were to come to North America, it would probably be under the Story of Seasons brand, and not Harvest Moon.
Harvest Moon is an agricultural role-playing simulation game. Your main objective is to rebuild an old farm and build it up into a successful one. Throughout the game, side quests and stories, friendships, and even marriage await you.
Harvest Moon retained its original name worldwide until 2011. Natsume, the company that localizes the games, owns the Harvest Moon brand, and not the actual developers. As a result, 2 new series arise. The Harvest Moon series we knew and loved is now called Story of Seasons, created by XSEED and Marvelous. Natsume took the opportunity and developed their own games under the Harvest Moon moniker. This new remake however, is simply a remake of the classic game.
UPDATE: Marvelous has confirmed the existence of Story of Seasons: Reunion in Mineral Town in NA/EU, set to release after the Japanese/Asian version of the game, which releases October 17 of this year. Here’s the Japanese cover art as well.