
    Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Reveals Two New Costumes for Version 2.00

    Revealed at the end of the GBVSR Kayane Cup tournament

    Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising revealed that two new character costumes are arriving in version 2.00. The first costume is Beelzebub’s “Conqueror’s Carapace” outfit, which will be available to purchase in the Rupie Shop. The last outfit is Zooey’s “Arbitrator of the Shore” costume, which will be a reward in Premium Battle Pass Round 7. All of this was revealed at the end of the Kayane Cup GBVSR tournament.

    Sandalphon is the first character for Season 2, with four other characters waiting to be announced. Moreover, the developers will host a special pre-launch livestream for version 2.00 on February 21 that will showcase Sandalphon’s gameplay and everything players need to know about the update. This stream will go live on the GBVS Official YouTube Channel at 2 A.M. (PT).

    Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Version 2.00 Costumes

    beelzebub's 2.00 costume being used in his intro zooey's 2.00 costume being used in her intro

    Also, GBVSR is officially a part of the main game lineup at EVO 2025 alongside Tekken 8Guilty Gear StriveUnder Night In-Birth II Sys:CelesMortal Kombat 1Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, and Marvel vs Capcom 2. EVO 2025 will run from August 1 to 3 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada. While there is no news of whether they will announce something or not for GBVSR, please stay tuned.

    Lastly, Sandalphon was playable at Frosty Faustings XVII, and we had the chance to experience him. Check out our impressions below:

    Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

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