The DAN DA DAN anime series is taking the world by storm with its incredible animation and comedic scenes, and the sensation continues with episode 3. Momo and Okarun must contend with a curse from Turbo Granny, so here’s everything you need to know about the new DAN DA DAN episode.
Episode 1 of the DAN DA DAN anime made its debut with same day English dubs. The second episode followed up on October 10. Fortunately, it appears that same day English dubs will be present for each episode in the weekly series, which is expect to have 12 episodes in total.
DAN DA DAN Episode 3 Release Date and Time
DAN DA DAN episode 3 will premiere on Thursday, October 17 at 9:00 a.m. PST / 12:00 p.m. EST on Netflix and Crunchyroll. The new episode is titled “It’s a Granny vs. Granny Clash!” and it will likely be streaming with English dubs alongside English subs.
- Pacific Daylight Time (PDT): 9:00 a.m.
- Mountain Daylight Time (MDT): 10:00 a.m.
- Central Daylight Time (CDT): 11:00 a.m.
- Eastern Daylight Time (EDT): 12:00 p.m.
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): 5:00 p.m.
Episode 3 Synopsis
Here’s the official synopsis for the new DAN DA DAN episode premiering on October 17:
Turbo Granny’s curse causes Okarun to transform, and he goes berserk, unable to control his powers. Momo’s grandmother Seiko, a spirit medium, saves them in the nick of time. To lift the curse, Momo and Okarun decide to play tag with Turbo Granny. Before the duel, Seiko tells the pair to undergo some training, but that’s exactly when Turbo Granny shows herself before Momo…