Toei Animation and Shueisha have revealed new voice cast members for Dragon Ball Daima, along with the opening theme song. The anime is set to premiere on October 11, the same day as the launch of Dragon Ball Sparking! ZERO.
Yumiko Kobayashi, Kōki Uchiyama, and Fairouz Ai will be voicing Supreme Kai (Mini), Giorio, and Panzy in Dragon Ball Daima, respectively. The three cast members also shared comments, via the official Dragon Ball website:
The opening theme song for Dragon Ball Daima is “Jaka Jaan” by Zedd featuring C&K. Yukinojo Mori composed the song’s lyrics. Mori is known for creating some of the franchise’s most iconic songs, including “CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA” and “Limit Break x Survivor.”
Zedd, C&K, and Mori also shared comments regarding their involvement with Dragon Ball Daima:
Dragon Ball Daima episodes will air every Friday at 10:40 a.m. EST starting October 11. Moreover, the first episode broadcast will be expanded by 10 minutes. You can watch the latest Dragon Ball Daima trailer to get a sneak peek into the anime and the opening theme song.
On October 6, there will be a Dragon Ball Daimatsuri event that will have an advance screening for Dragon Ball Daima episode 1. The event will also feature demo booths for Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, Dragon Ball Legends, and the digital card game Dragon Ball Super Divers.
Dragon Ball Daima is the last major anime work that Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama was involved in before his untimely passing. Goku, Vegeta, Supreme Kai, and the rest of the iconic crew are turned into children, prompting them to embark on a new adventure. Lastly, the new anime will air on Fuji TV, just like the original Dragon Ball anime 40 years ago.