
    Hopoo Games Now Working Under Valve

    The maker of the Risk of Rain series is hitting the big time.

    Hopoo Games has announced that they are now working under Valve. Hopoo Games has previously worked on the Risk of Rain series, such as Risk of Rain 2 and the recently released Risk of Rain Returns. Both games are available now on all consoles.

    The full post states the following:

    Today, we have an exciting update: Duncan and Paul, alongside many other talented members at Hopoo Games, will now be working on game development directly at Valve! We’re incredibly grateful to Valve for their partnerships in the last decade, and are excited to continue working on their awesome titles. However, this does mean that we are stopping production on our unannounced game, Snail.

    It’s been an exciting and transformative 12 years. We feel lucky for the opportunities we’ve had, and deeply appreciate both our team and fans that have supported us and our games. We love making games – and will continue to do so, for years to come. We’re excited to be working side-by-side with the talented people at Valve. But for now – sleep tight, Hopoo Games.

    Valve has worked on several games over the past several thirty years. This includes the Half Life franchise, the Portal franchise, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Counter Strike 2, Left 4 Dead, DOTA, and more. Recently they announced Deadlock, a MOBA shooter that is currently in a closed alpha state. Valve will likely reveal more details about Deadlock and their upcoming unknown projects that they are working on and have developing and other in the coming months and years.

    Saras Rajpal
    Saras Rajpal
    Saras is a passionate creative writer, with a love for immersive sims, superhero games, and Persona. He is currently writing a thesis about Persona 5 and is pursuing a career as a full-time writer.

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