The Monster Hunter franchise producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, recently shared a New Year’s message commemorating the franchise’s 20 year anniversary. In the message, he also shares the latest sales numbers for the beloved series.
During The Game Awards 2023, Capcom announced the newest entry in the Monster Hunter franchise, titled Monster Hunter Wilds. Wilds is the first new Monster Hunter game in two years, with the most recent being Monster Hunter Rise. Rise is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC. Additionally, a Monster Hunter game from Niantic, Monster Hunter Now, is also available now on iOS and Android.
Monster Hunter Producer Shares Message About The Series’ 20th Anniversary
In a new video, Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer of the Monster Hunter franchise, shared a message on the series’ YouTube channel. The message shares what fans can expect from the series’ 20th anniversary and also reveals some new sales figures for the franchise.
According to the message, Monster Hunter World has reached 23 million sales, Monster Hunter Rise has reached 13 million sales, and Monster Hunter Now has passed 10 million downloads. Check out the New Year’s message below:
While waiting for more information, players may wishlist Monster Hunter Wilds on its official store pages in the PlayStation Store (PlayStation 5) and on PC via Steam. The Steam page notes that officially supported languages will be confirmed at a later date. Here’s a brief overview of the new game from the store pages:
The hunt is on in Monster Hunter Wilds, the latest installment in the Monster Hunter series, now in development. Experience the pinnacle of excellence in hunting action gameplay.
Planned for release in 2025.
As previously discussed, more information about the game will be revealed in summer 2024. This likely means that players can expect more information during a Capcom Showcase, Xbox Showcase, or PlayStation State of Play around that time.
Lastly, Monster Hunter Wilds is coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam in 2025.