The upcoming anime adaptation of the beloved manga, Pluto, will finally premiere on October 26, 2023. Netflix also revealed a new trailer alongside the release date at Anime Expo 2023.
Pluto was a manga written and illustrated by the famed mangaka Naoki Urosawa. The manga was meant to be a sort of adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy and was in production from 2003 to 2009. The upcoming anime will be the first adaptation of the series.
Essential Information About Pluto
Pluto focuses on a strange murder case. The official description from the Netflix trailer states the following:
“A murder occurs in an orderly world where robots are unable to kill humans. The robotic Europol investigator Gesicht takes the case, but the mystery deepens when he finds no trace of a human at the scene of the crime. As he pursues the truth, Gesicht uncovers the most evil manifestation of hate that history ever seen, one that is bent on bringing destruction to the world …”
Here’s an overview of some of the cast and crew that will work on the upcoming anime:
- Executive Producers: Masao Maruyama, Taro Maki, Yuji Yamano
- Directed by: Toshio Kawaguchi
- Character Design, Supervising Animation Director: Shigeru Fujita
- Creative Advisor: Naoki Urasawa
- Animation Directors: Kazunori Aoki, Itaru Saito
- CG & SFX Director: Takahiro Miyata
- Art Director: Chikako Shibata
- Cinematography by: Mitsuhiro Sato
- Sound Direction by: Masafumi Mima
- Music by: Yugo Kanno
- Animation Production by: Studio M2
- Produced by: GENCO
- Gesicht: Shinshu Fuji
- Atom: Yoko Hikasa
- Uran: Minori Suzuki
- Mont blanc: Hiroki Yasumoto
- North No.2: Koichi Yamadera
- Brando: Hidenobu Kiuchi
- Hercules: Rikiya Koyama
- Epsilon: Mamoru Miyano
- Pluto: Toshihiko Seki
Pluto will undoubtedly be one of the most exciting new anime released this year. It’s based on one of the most beloved manga of the 21st century and features an all-star creative team and voice cast.
Lastly, Pluto will release on October 26, 2023, exclusively on Netflix. Fans can expect to see more information about the cast and crew of Pluto as the release date draws closer.
Second Trailer
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