
    EA is officially back on Steam, starting with Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

    I previously reported on Sunday that EA would be returning to Steam with a focus on older and newer titles, we can now confirm it with the news of EA announcing a brand new partnership with Valve.

    Starting today, you can pre-order Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order which will launch on November 15 alongside the Origin version. You will still need Origin and an EA account but otherwise, everything will be under the Steam client. More games such as The Sims 4, Unravel Two, Apex Legends, FIFA 20 and Battlefield V will be coming next year along with cross-play between Origin and Steam. In addition, EA access will also be available on the service which will allow access to exclusive catalog-wide discounts and in-game member benefits. I’m happy to see a publisher like EA dsomething consumer friendly for a change.

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