Cygames announced the Umamusume: Cinderella Gray manga series by Taiyo Kuzumi will receive an anime adaptation in 2025. A new trailer and two new key visuals were revealed, with one of the illustrations being drawn by Kuzumi.
Tomoyo Takayanagi will voice Oguri Cap in the Umamusume: Cinderella Gray anime. Yūki Itō is the director of the anime at Cygames, with Aki Kindaichi handling series compositions. Takuya Miyahara and Keigo Sasaki are the anime’s character designers. Masafumi Sugiura and Junnosuke Itō are credited for screenplay and manga planning, respectively.
Check out the new trailer and key visuals below on YouTube:
Before the new anime arrives, fans may look forward to Umamusume: Pretty Derby – Party Dash, which will release on August 30 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam worldwide. Umamusume will compete in four major events in order to win the Slapdash Grand Prix trophy. Players may pick a team of Umamusume and participate in the Hurling Hurdles, Blazing Baskets, Dodgeball Demolition, and Gourmet Gauntlet events. Moreover, these events may be played solo or with up to four players in local multiplayer.
Umamusume: Pretty Derby Seasons 1 through 3 are available to stream now on Crunchyroll. A total of 39 episodes have been released with 13 episodes per season.
Here’s an overview of the anime, via Crunchyroll.
This is a tale of a world where “horse girls”; with glorious names and incredible running abilities live alongside humanity.
Horse girl Special Week has moved from the country to the city to attend Tracen Academy. There, she and her classmates compete to win the Twinkle Series and earn the title of “The County’s #1 Horse Girl.”