
    Is Final Fantasy XVI Open World?

    How to navigate the world of Valisthea.

    With Final Fantasy XVI releasing in just a few days, many may wonder whether the game will have an open world like most other modern games. Considering how rich the world of Final Fantasy XVI is, it would make sense to have the player able to roam freely across the land of Valisthea.

    However, based on interviews with producer Yoshi-P, Final Fantasy XVI will have an unconventional approach to its world map. Here’s everything you need to know about Final Fantasy XVI‘s open world.

    Does Final Fantasy XVI Have an Open World?

    Another look at the world map/open world of Final Fantasy XVI.

    Final Fantasy XVI will not have an open world. This comes from an interview with Naoki Yoshida, also known as Yoshi-P. The game will instead feature an open-area design. This means that there will be several points on the map, each with its own NPCs, monsters, and scenery. The concept of an open-area isn’t a new design philosophy for the franchise. Many previous Final Fantasy games, such as Final Fantasy VII, feature a similar world map that allows players to explore different environments with vastly different designs and activities.

    The only recent Final Fantasy game that had something akin to an open world was Final Fantasy XV. That being said, XV was panned for feeling barren and empty compared to other games in the genre. The open-area approach of Final Fantasy XVI will serve as an excellent alternative to the traditional designs of most modern games. The use of a world map and key locations with a lot of variety will help to give Valisthea some much-needed variety and life.

    Release Information

    The world of Final Fantasy XVI

    Final Fantasy XVI will release on June 22, 2023, on the PlayStation 5 exclusively. The game is available for pre-order now on the PlayStation Store, as well as other local and online retailers.

    Check out all of Final Weapon’s Final Fantasy XVI coverage in our Compendium, available right here!

    Saras Rajpal
    Saras Rajpal
    Saras is a passionate creative writer, with a love for immersive sims, superhero games, and Persona. He is currently writing a thesis about Persona 5 and is pursuing a career as a full-time writer.

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