
    Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater appears to be making another comeback for some reason

    I thought we would never see this series again but I guess the third time’s the charm? For those unaware, Tony Hawk Ride and Shred was intended to be a fresh start for the series back in 2009 and 2010. It required a $120 Skateboard peripheral which barely worked. So it’s no wonder both games flopped and the series went on hiatus for 5 years outside of an HD remake of the original Pro Skater. Activision then tried to revive the series again with Pro Skater 5 which was rushed to market before the license ran out.

    Now it seems like Tony Hawk wants to attempt to revive the series for a third time. GamesRadar has seemingly confirmed that a new Pro Skater is on the horizon based on a resurfaced interview from last month. In this interview, Lizzie Armanto was asked about his appearance in Pro Skater 5 before stating “he’s coming out with another one, and I’ll be in that too.” Rumors have been swirling around the past few days and even Sabi (Verified Industry Journalist and Rumor Mill Insider) said that Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2 had demos/prototypes remade.

    I honestly don’t know why they’re even bothering with this again. Pro Skater already has two failed comebacks under its belt. If anything I wouldn’t mind a remake of Pro Skater 1 and 2 if its done right. However, something like THUG PRO already fills in that gap because of the community support. Not to mention if a new deal is signed with Activision, they would have control of the monetization. I guess we can expect an official announcement within the coming months.

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