Last week, we discussed Ooblets becoming an Epic Games Store exclusive title and the PR the development team unleashed. It was pretty clear what would happen at that point, but it doesn’t appear the devs were given mercy. Within a post to their Patreon members, the devs revealed their feelings following the backlash. If you’re pledged to their Patreon, you can find that post here.
They began saying that they “really misjudged how angry people would be” regarding the deal. “This whole thing has just devastated us. We’ve been getting thousands if not tens of thousands of hateful, threatening messages across every possible platform nonstop.”. As much as it’s saddening, it’s really something they should’ve come to expect. They immediately were condescending towards the community, and constantly called them “baby gamers” on their discord. Realistically, they got what they asked for.
Thankfully for them, their Patreon community hasn’t been as harsh to them. That community is reportedly the one not filled with backlash, but it has its concerns of its own. The biggest of those concerns is whether the Patreon is needed considering the deal. The devs have responded to that though, saying they “wanted to get your take on that.”.
It’s a really sad but warranted story to an extent. Regardless of everything that’s happened, and if you’re looking to still play the game, it releases on PC and Xbox One later this year.