
    Puzzle & Dragons and Digimon Adventure Collaboration Announced

    The collaboration will last until January 13.

    GungHo Entertainment has announced a collaboration between Puzzle & Dragons and Digimon Adventure. The collaboration will be available until January 13. It will allow players to collect their favorite characters and Digimon such as Omnimon, Diaboromon, and Taichi Yagami & Agumon. GungHo describes the collab as follows:

    Digimon Adventure Quest: Head to the Event Quest and try out the Digimon Adventure Quest! Players who clear a Quest Level (total of 10 Quest Levels) will receive 1 Magic Stone, with the chance to earn up to 10 Magic Stones total. P&D Pass subscribers can earn additional Quest Level Rewards! For each Quest Level, players will be given missions for select dungeons listed below, where they can receive Quest Rewards including a Digimon Adventure Egg Machine for clearing missions.

    Select dungeons: Digimon Adventure-Novice; Digimon Adventure-Expert; Apocalymon Descended!; Digimon Adventure Colosseum!; and [Agumon] Title Challenge!

    Digimon Adventure-Novice / Digimon Adventure-Expert: The Digimon Adventure-Novice and Digimon Adventure-Expert dungeons can now be explored at Special Dungeons. Collect Digimon Collab Medals here and exchange them for limited-time characters at the Monster Exchange.

    Digimon Adventure-Novice: Earn various Quest Rewards for each floor cleared as missions, including 1 billion Coins and 1,000 + Points. By completing all floors, players will receive Omnimon (Reward) as a Quest Reward.

    Digimon Adventure-Expert: Earn various Quest Rewards for each floor cleared as missions including 5x Rainbowpy and 1x Event Medal – Rainbow. By completing all floors, players will receive one pull from the Digimon Adventure Egg Machine as a Quest Reward. Digimon Adventure-Expert will be available starting 12/31 at 18:00 (PST).

    Lastly, Puzzle & Dragons is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, Android, and iOS, and the collaboration with Digimon Adventure will last until January 13.

    Saras Rajpal
    Saras Rajpal
    Saras is a passionate creative writer, with a love for immersive sims, superhero games, and Persona. He is currently writing a thesis about Persona 5 and is pursuing a career as a full-time writer.

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