Digital Eclipse has released a new update for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind. The update includes several fixes and adjustments. The patch notes are as follows:
Brawler Gameplay
- All Rangers now move faster (walk and dash speeds)
- Ranger grab and grab attack speed increased
- Rangers can perform the Dodge move without any cooldown, but are only invulnerable for the initial frames of the animation
- In Easy mode, the Dodge move is always invulnerable
- Ranger can chain Rising Strike from many more states
- Rangers can Dodge while holding an enemy to let go
- Ranger Special is boosted slightly by successful Dodge
- Vertical attack collision for Time Disruptors is wider, making them easier to hit
- Time Disruptors are easier to destroy in Easy mode
- Food pick-ups are more spread out when spawning from containers
- In Hard mode, enemies now have the same health as Normal but do twice the damage
- The Speed Run clock is no longer affected by Time Disruptors
- Players can swap to any other NPC Ranger in the Juice Bar
- Localized juice bar dialog for the arcade machines is now correct
Zord & Megazord Gameplay
- All machine gun fire (bunkers, turrets and flying ships) now does less damage
- Gravity is reduced when jumping to make pits easier to clear
- Falling in a pit won’t take away a life
- Some pits now have additional ledges for landing
- When multiple players are fighting a boss and some players reach a Game Over state, the difficulty (health and Zord damage dealt) scales accordingly
- Harvester encounters have been balanced; laser speeds and laser damage are reduced at lower difficulties
- Megazord boss health has been reduced and damage dealt to bosses has been balanced
- Health power-ups now spawn during Zord boss battles
- Eye Guy’s eye bombs do much less damage, and on lower difficulties, his bombs appear less frequently
- At higher difficulty levels, health coin benefits scale downward
- If both online players have unlocked Green Ranger, they have the option of starting their game from any level
- Please note that all online players have the latest update for the game to engage in successful matchmaking
- The indicator for skipping the intro video has been improved.
- Stability and performance improvements overall
- PS5: Fixed some crash bugs
- PS5: Fixed an save-file issue where players couldn’t start a new playthrough after completing the game.
Lastly, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Further, the latest update is also available on all consoles.