Kadokawa has recently revealed the main Japanese cast for Nukitashi The Animation, the anime adaptation of Qruppo’s adult visual novel adventure game Nuki-Gee Mitai na Shima ni Sunderu Hinnyū (Watashi) wa Dō Surya Ii Desuka, known in the west as simply Nukitashi.
The Japanese cast has Kōhei Yanagi as the protagonist, Junnosuke Tachibana. Followed by Minori Ozawa as Hinami Watarai, Shizuka Ishigami as Nanase Katagiri, Rie Okamoto as Misaki Hotori and Ako Koaki as Asane Tachibana. Besides Misaki Hotori, every other voice actor is different than the one that originally voiced the heroines in game.
Nukitashi, which first launched Qruppo’s explosive popularity in the visual novel scene, follows the story of the anti-copulation resistance fighters of No Love No Sex in their fight to bring down the draconian Pervert Law and its sex-crazed proponents on Seiran Island. Shiravune describes the game as one with parts that are equally eccentric, humorous, and action packed.
Qruppo initially launched the game as an adult title in 2018. Shiravune began offering the game on Windows via the Johren service (as an 18+ title) and also on Steam from June 2023. Its sequel, Nukitashi 2, was also released in Japan in 2019, and then also by Shiravune in February 2024.
The game has also seen a manga adaptation, which was originally serialized on Beaglee’s Manga Ōkoku service in 2020, and then later on Shueisha’s Ultra Jump magazine in 2021.
Check out a teaser trailer for Nukitashi The Animation below:
Nukitashi is available on Steam for $24.99.