Bandai Namco Filmworks announced an anime adaptation of Kōsuke Unagi, Yūri, and Super Zombie’s I Left My A-Rank Party manga is coming in January 2025. The upcoming anime will air for two consecutive cours next year.
The voice cast of I Left My A-Rank Party includes:
- Hiromu Mineta as Yuke
- Hana Inami as Marina
- Natsumi Kawaida as Silk
- Nene Hieda as Rain
Watch the new trailer for the I Left My A-Rank Party anime series below:
The I Left My A-Rank Party manga entered serialization in June 2021 in the Magazine Pocket app by Kodansha. Unagi writes the story, Yūri illustrates the manga, and Super Zombie is the manga’s original character designer. On September 9, Kodansha will release the manga’s eighth volume.
Here’s an overview of the manga from Kodansha USA, via Anime News Network:
As far as adventuring goes, supporting your party is a thankless job—even more so if you’re just a lowly red mage like Yuke Feldio. So, when he gets fed up with his A-rank party of total a-holes, he ditches them for some former students—a trio of girls who just looove his company. Thing is, to conquer the world’s greatest dungeon and achieve his dream, he’ll have to teach these cuties a thing or two…and he may just learn there’s more potential within him (and them) then he ever knew.