Type-Moon announced the Fate/Samurai Remnant game will receive an official manga adaptation. The Fate/Samurai Remnant manga will be illustrated by Mugetsu, who previously worked on Sword Art Online: Progressive – Canon of the Golden Rule.
Further details about the new manga series were not revealed yet, however.
【特報】「Fate/Samurai Remnant」が霧月によるコミカライズ連載が決定!
そのほか、DLC登場サーヴァントのキャラ原案をクリエイターコメントを交えて掲載。#TMA16 #FateSR pic.twitter.com/grl5EORWvh— コンプティーク&コンプエース (@comptiq) August 28, 2024
Type-Moon fans have plenty to look forward to while waiting on the manga. Fate/hollow ataraxia Remastered is currently in development for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. Fate/hollow ataraxia was originally released in 2005 as a sequel to Fate/stay night. The game was released exclusively for PC, while it eventually made its way over to the Vita in 2014 with voice acting and other new features.
Moreover, Fate/EXTRA Record, a remake of the original Fate/EXTRA, will launch in 2025 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. One of the key characters in this remake is Arcueid Brunestud, the main heroine of Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-.
Fans may start the series with Fate/stay night Remastered, which launched on August 8 for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. Final Weapon’s review of Fate/stay night Remastered notes that it’s the “definitive way to experience Type-Moon’s masterpiece visual novel, with updated HD visuals and official English support for the first time in two decades.”
Lastly, Fate/Samurai Remnant is available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. The Fate/Samurai Remnant Season Pass is available now featuring all three DLC packs for $39.99.