In an exciting trailer, Aniplex announced that Homura Akemi is the third featured character in Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra. Fans will be able to experience this character firsthand when the game launches in 2024 worldwide for iOS, Android, and PC.
Alongside the new Homura Akemi trailer, Aniplex confirmed that pre-registration for Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra is now live in the Google Play Store. In addition, fans may wishlist the game on its official Steam page. More character reveals for Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Magia Exedra are coming soon, so stay tuned.
Watch the new trailer below:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is one of the most beloved (and infamous) anime of the last ten years. Aniplex initially released the horror fantasy anime in 2011, and over the years, it has received several anime, movie, and video game spin-offs. The entire anime series is available to stream on Crunchyroll
Here’s an overview of the franchise’s story, via Crunchyroll:
She has a loving family and best friends, laughs and cries from time to time… Madoka Kaname, an eighth grader of Mitakihara middle school, is one of those who lives such a life. One day, she had a very magical encounter. She doesn’t know if it happened by chance or by fate yet. This is a fateful encounter that can change her destiny- This is a beginning of the new story of the magical witch girls-