During One Piece Day ’23, an anime adaptation of the Monsters Ippaku Sanjō Hiryū Jigoku one-shot manga by Eiichiro Oda was announced. Talent from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series will aid production of the upcoming anime.
One Piece Day ’23 centered around the reveal of Monkey D. Luffy’s Gear 5 (Fifth) transformation for One Piece Episode 1071. Fans gained a valuable glimpse into the form in a new anime teaser trailer, and Gear 5 Luffy to be playable in new One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 DLC this September. The surprises don’t end as Monsters by One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda will receive an official anime adaptation.
Monsters Anime Coming Soon
Eiichiro Oda’s Monsters will receive an anime episode depicting the events of the entire one-shot manga. Jujutsu Kaisen and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 director Sunghoo Park will direct the new anime episode. Park is also in charge of composition with his new production studio, E&H production, animating the episode. Further details about the anime, including distribution and a release date, were not revealed.
The Monsters one-shot manga was featured in Oda’s Wanted!, a collection of one-shots by the prolific One Piece creator. Shueisha first published the one-shot manga in a 1994 issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. Four years later, Shueisha published Wanted! in 1998. Monsters features Ryuma, a character that appears later in the One Piece manga.
Watch the new Monsters anime teaser trailer below.
Teaser Trailer
Thus far in the One Piece anime, Luffy seemingly meets his end after an intensive battle against Kaido in Episode 1069. However, Luffy won’t stay down for long. Episode 1070 will continue the build up toward the major Gear 5 form for Luffy in 1071.
Before Gear 5 and Monsters arrive, fans of Oda’s work may watch One Piece Film Red, One Piece Stampede, and One Piece Film Gold from the comfort of their home. All three animated films premiere on July 27 on Crunchyroll.
Lastly, the One Piece anime is available to stream now on Crunchyroll.