
    Toby Fox Shares Update on Deltarune Chapter 3 Development

    A bizarre and exciting chapter.

    Toby Fox shared a brief update about development of Deltarune Chapter 3 and what fans can expect in the finished product. According to Toby Fox’s latest newsletter release, Deltarune development is still underway, but a few staff members are already working on pieces for future chapters. 

    Currently, Toby Fox and the Deltarune development team are focusing on Chapter 3 since the final overworld area is being made. Once development of this particular area is complete, the entire chapter will be playable from start to finish. Toby Fox believes the chapter will be a “pretty strange one” since it contains unusual gameplay events and does not rely heavily on the story. However, this was an opportunity for Toby Fox and the development team to try something different.

    The full message from the official Deltarune newsletter may be read below:

    Deltarune Chapter 3 Development Update

    As was the case last time, we’re focusing on Chapter 3. However, there are a few people working on pieces of later chapters, such as bullet patterns or puzzles.

    As for Chapter 3, we’re finally creating the final overworld area. You could think of it like the “Queen’s Castle” or “Card Castle”, but for this chapter. With this complete, the chapter will finally be playable all the way through…! (Fun Fact: I composed the song for this area in 2016…)

    This Chapter is made of many different pieces… so it’s been hard to understand exactly how everything was turning out. Now that things are clearer, I just need to roll over the entire game with a steamroller and crush out all the bumps. There may be things to add, things to fix, or things to remove… but, many pieces have been quite polished already, so it won’t be too bad.

    As you can tell, this chapter is shaping up to be a pretty strange one. I mostly focused on unusual gameplay elements, and it’s not too heavy on the story. Since it’s so frivolous, I feel a bit self-conscious about it… but, at least I got to try something different!

    Anyway, Chapter 4 will be a much more standard chapter!

    Soul Kiwami
    Soul Kiwami
    Raul Ochoa, a.k.a. Soul Kiwami, is the Managing Editor of Final Weapon and a Games Writer at Game Rant with four years of writing and editing experience. Raul is passionate about the Japanese gaming industry, and he's a huge fan of Nintendo Switch, PC hardware, JRPGs, and fighting games. business email: [email protected]

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