
    Valkyrie Connect Second Hololive Collaboration Begins May 2023

    Featuring Houshou Marine and three other VTubers.

    Ateam Entertainment announced a second Hololive Production collaboration is coming to Valkyrie Connect in May 2023, which is one year after the first collaboration began. The first details regarding the second Hololive collaboration have been revealed by Hololive VTubers Houshou Marine and Usada Pekora. 

    The Second Hololive Collaboration

    On April 3, Hololive VTubers Houshou Marine and Usada Pekora hosted a live stream to reveal new information for the upcoming collaboration event in Valkyrie Connect. During the event, Houshou confirmed four characters would join Valkyrie Connect, including herself. Two of these new character will be from Hololive EN, while the other character is from Hololive Japan. It will be a cheer event just like the first collab, and the event is expected to start in early May 2023. 

    During the live stream, the official Valkyrie Connect illustration for Houshou Marine was revealed. Houshou features a new Phoenix-like design and wields a powerful lance. This new artwork may be viewed below.

    Valkyrie Connect Houshou Marine illustration
    Valkyrie Connect – Houshou Marine illustration
    Prior Events

    The first Hololive Production collaboration was extremely successful, prompting both parties to collaborate once more for future events. Valkyrie Connect’s initial Hololive collaboration began on May 17, 2022 and lasted until June 1 that same year. This initial event featured Hololive VTubers Usada Pekora, Laplus Darkness, Kiara Takanashi, and Ninomae Ina’nis. During May 2022, Ateam and Hololive Production confirmed the parties would collaborate once more for future events.

    This past January, Ateam held a rerun event for the first Hololive collaboration. The rerun allowed Valkyrie Connect players to earn rewards, recruit VTubers, and catch up with content they may have missed in May 2022. Valkyrie Connect players have roughly a month to prepare for the second event. Fans may receive more updates and notices about Valkyrie Connect by following the game’s official Twitter account here.

    Lastly, Valkyrie Connect is available now for Android, iOS, and PC via Steam worldwide.

    Soul Kiwami
    Soul Kiwami
    Raul Ochoa, a.k.a. Soul Kiwami, is the Managing Editor of Final Weapon and a Games Writer at Game Rant with four years of writing and editing experience. Raul is passionate about the Japanese gaming industry, and he's a huge fan of Nintendo Switch, PC hardware, JRPGs, and fighting games. business email: [email protected] | Muck Rack:

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