
    5 Best Mods for Persona 5 Royal PC

    It’s been two months since the release of Persona 5 Royal for the PC, and the modding scene of the game has flourished ever since then. From simple visual graphics overhauls to skins and randomizers, players have an endless choice to choose from when it comes to spicing up their copy of the game for the PC at this time.

    Players may feel overwhelmed with the number of mods that are now available to download, but don’t worry! We got your back. In this article, we have listed five of the best mods for Perona 5 Royal on the PC!

    Important Note: You will need a mod loader for the game to make the mods work as intended. It is also good to check whether it’s compatible with Steam or GamePass (or both).

    5. Persona 5 Royal: Colorful Pack by HaythamQuake

    Persona 5 Royal

    Starting at number five is the Colorful Pack for P5R which adds a great overhaul of new color textures for the game! The pack was originally a mod for Persona 5 Vanilla, but is now overhauled and ported for the PC version of Royal! This mod boasts an impressive amount of custom colors and neat tiny details that significantly enhance the game.

    Not only does it enhance the game, but it absolutely gives your game a little bit more colorful strokes that can easily captivate your attention, even with subtle changes.

    The Colorful Pack’s changes include:

    • Colorful Battle UI
    • Colorful Title Screen Models
    • Colorful Weapon Icons
    • More Colorful AOA Portraits
    • and Colored Phantom Thieves Logo

    4. Player Balance Overhaul by Zjez

    Persona 5 Royal

    Are you simply rattled by the unbalanced nature of the stats? Is the game too easy? Then look no further! The mod made by Zjez solves those problems!

    It overhauls the skill learnsets of every party member’s Personas (Joker excluded)! Furthermore, this mod puts everyone’s personas equal with everyone, giving you many ways to build your ideal stats while beefing up your teammates’ Personas. Just remember to build your personas wisely!

    3. Social Stat Tracker by AnimatedSwine37

    Have you felt the dreadful anxiety of whether you’ve reached the proper number of social stats or not? Do you want to see how many numbers you have left before you can level up? This mod by AnimatedSwine37 is here to help!

    The Social Stats Tracker is there to help you keep up with the numbers you need before you can rank up socially. Some will say it’s a cheat sheet, but most people would agree it’s a necessity that absolutely helps players to keep track of their points and to prioritize the ones they are lacking.

    2. Ambush BGM Expansion by Kekulism

    Persona 5 Royal

    Are you getting tired of the same ambush music? Do you want to change that? Then look no further! This nifty mod gives you the option to change that depending on how you approach an enemy.

    First, the mod still relies on DLC outfits, and second, two songs are included in each outfit. For example, ambushing an enemy with a P4 outfit will trigger Reach out to The Truth instead of Time to Make History. Whereas if you approach an enemy head-on, the opposite happens. It’s highly recommended for those who prefer the DLC outfits over the original ones!

    Honorable Mentions:

    Classroom and Confidant Cheat Sheet by Haalyle

    Persona 5 Royal

    This nifty mod can absolutely help you in choosing the right dialogue for both classroom sessions and confidants! It’s a cheatsheet, yes. But it’s an essential cheat sheet for those who want to maximize their confidants’ stats quickly and efficiently!

    Full Graphics Overhaul by DniweTamp

    Persona 5 Royal

    This mod is a global overhaul of all model textures in the game, consisting of custom character models and PS4 field textures. A go-to choice for those who want to improve their model textures.

    Better Descriptions for P5R by SoraRoxas

    Persona 5 Royal

    This mod aims to provide as much information as possible when looking at descriptions throughout the entire game. It will replace descriptions of skills with vague descriptions to that of a much more descriptive one, featuring the crit chance, percentage, accuracy, and damage. It’s a must for players who want more specifics on how the skill works!

    1. Battle Music Randomizer by YveltalGriffin

    Persona 5 Royal

    And number 1 is the Battle Music Randomizer by YveltalGriffin. The mod randomizes the battle music every time you fight an enemy. Various songs from the first game up to Royal are all included (excluding Persona 5 Strikers). It also changes the music of your victory screen as well! If you want more variety and flavor for your battle and victory themes, then this randomizer is for you! Take note that it currently works for Steam only, so Gamepass players will have to wait for a while.

    Important note: Requires No Holdup Music mod to work properly! (Reloaded II should install it for you.)

    In conclusion, these mods should be able to liven up your game a little bit, if not completely. Although the mod list for Persona 5 Royal is impressive, it’s still lacking in terms of sheer numbers and availability. Should you need to look for more mods that weren’t featured in this article, you can simply go to for the complete list.

    Stay tuned to Final Weapon for more guides and updates!

    CinderArts is a full-time video gamer and an artist at heart. With a passion for video games, CinderArts is a huge fan of PC and Nintendo Switch games, accompanied with a strong interest in art as a freelance artist.

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