
    Jackbox Party Pack 6 – Switch Online game trial begins on October 13th

    While Japanese gamers get to try out The World Ends With You: Final Remix for Japan’s latest game trial, us in the states get a different game. Jackbox Party Pack 6 is the next Switch Online game trial! In a couple days, you can try out the party game compilation everybody’s buzzing about for free, if you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

    Jackbox Party Pack 6 will be available on free trial from October 13th to October 19th. in addition, the paid game will be 30% off from the same date until October 27th. Stay tuned at Final Weapon for more in the latest gaming news and updates!

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    Heya, I'm Ryan, Twitter resident Mega Man nerd and lover of obscure niche games that nobody cares about. I've been gaming since I played Pokémon Emerald on the GBA, and my history is primarily Nintendo and Sony. I've been doing games journalism since 2019!

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