Netflix has released a new official trailer for their upcoming animated series, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft. The series will air on October 10. It will take place after the events of the “Survivor Trilogy. ” The trilogy includes Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Check out the new official trailer for Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft below:
A previous trailer describes the series as follows:
The animated series TOMB RAIDER: THE LEGEND OF LARA CROFT picks up after the events of the highly successful Tomb Raider video game Survivor trilogy (Tomb Raider; Rise of the Tomb Raider; Shadow of the Tomb Raider), and will chart the globetrotting heroine’s next chapter as the iconic adventurer. More than 25 years after her first appearance, Lara Croft (voiced by Hayley Atwell) continues to explore ancient mysteries and uncover lost truths across breathtaking and dangerous destinations.
Core Design released the first Tomb Raider for the PlayStation 1 in 1996. A collection of the first three games will be available on all consoles on February 14. In 2013, Crystal Dynamics released a reboot of the series simply titled Tomb Raider. A new game in the series is apparently in early development on Unreal Engine 5. Recently, the first three games were released on modern consoles.
Steam has a description of the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot:
Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.