
    Monster Hunter Stories Review – Riding Onto Consoles Brilliantly!

    Settling into a new den. An HD den!

    Monster Hunter is a huge series that boasts large-scale multiplayer action. Players spend countless hours quelling raging beasts and improving their gear. But every coin has two sides. Hunters and Riders. Hunters slay while Riders nurture. Both have their roles to play, so put your greatsword down, Hunter! Create unbreakable bonds and ride on towards your own story! Our Monster Hunter Stories Review will prep you with all the info you need on this latest re-release!

    Monster Hunter Stories Hunters and Riders
    Every story has two sides. Some hunt their quarry while others go on wild rides.

    Monster Hunter Stories originally launched on the Nintendo 3DS on October 8, 2016. This side game sought to bring a more overt story to the Monster Hunter series while offering a fresh experience. The game was set upon the world, allowing these once fierce monsters to finally be tamed and befriended! The 3DS version originally received content updates in Japan along with a port to mobile devices in several regions. But now, the game is widely available in HD on Switch, PS4, and PC with newly added voice acting and the formerly Japan-only content! This new version of Monster Hunter Stories is the definitive way to play!

    Monster Hunter Sure is Cute Now!

    Monster Hunter Stories Ratha

    Monster Hunter typically leans into more realistic art styles, so one would initially think that a spinoff game would follow suit. Monster Hunter Stories abandons this part of the series identity to reach a new audience and offer long-time fans a different way to appreciate the art of their treasured main series. Monster Hunter was shot with a Kawaii beam!

    I think this was a smart move. Monster-collecting RPGs typically lean towards younger audiences. This type of marketable design gives the series a broader appeal while also being easier on the original target hardware of the 3DS. This new style also lent itself well to things like merch and even anime! 

    I sincerely do wanna gush about the graphics. This is a remarkable-looking title, especially for the hardware and time it came out during. The few cutscenes we get look amazing. They have awesome animation, even including things like smears. The character models are also top-notch and honestly still hold up stylistically. This holds true for the monsters, as well. To think that such ferocious beasts could look so adorable…

    The ‘Turn-Based RPG’-ification of Monster Hunter

    Monster Hunter Stories Logombi
    The way items work is even like the main series! I should have brought some hot drinks, huh?

    Monster Hunter is traditionally an Action RPG. Adapting those to turn-based isn’t always easy… Especially with Stories taking on the extra burden of having a different dynamic with the titular monsters. Capcom pulled it off, though! Monster Hunter Stories covers new ground while very obviously being a tried and true Monster Hunter game!

    The broad strokes of the Monster Hunter formula are all here, and you can even engage with them in ways similar to those of the main series. You still have your normal hub and area structure here. Hubs act as safe havens where you can accept quests and bolster your strength, while areas outside of hubs are filled with materials and monsters. These integral ingredients are here and offer the same amazing content grind. Ya can’t touch that holy grail of Monster Hunter‘s core DNA. There will be riots. A piece of MH DNA I could have done without is the ambiance-focused soundscape of the exploration zones. This is an RPG. Please have music. There will be riots. 

    However, many of these classic elements now have some extra RPG-y bits sprinkled in. There are now stables where you can hatch your eggs and edit various things about your monstie buddies. Poogies are one of the mascots of the series and make yet another appearance here. This time, they’re hiding all throughout the game world, waiting to be found! You even get rewarded for reaching Poogie retrieval milestones. How very RPG-y!

    Where the game’s transition to being a turn-based RPG truly matters isn’t in its retained gameplay loop, devilish details, or party-building mechanics… It’s in the combat. Well, duh! Even though the combat is basic, it truly does several things to preserve that MH feel while blazing new trails. I personally love how the different attack types show different weapon attack animations from the main series. It’s a cool touch!

    From 3D to HD

    Monster Hunter Stories let's shake paws
    Uhh… The remastering is ‘paws’itiviely ‘purr’fect! …Sorry, I couldn’t relent.

    Monster Hunter Stories is very obviously a 3DS game. A good-looking one! But a 3DS game nonetheless. I would be upset if this version wasn’t high-resolution and smooth. Good thing that it doesn’t get any better than this!

    Yup, this is EXACTLY what I want from a remaster. It’s crispy and silky. Absolutely zero complaints. I also wanna praise some of the extras that were added. Including voice acting makes this the defacto version for me. It makes the game feel complete and seals the deal on the “Stories” aspect. Plus, finally getting the content from the updates the Japanese 3DS version received is wonderful for long-time fans and RPG fanatics. 

    Closing Monster Hunter’s First Storybook

    Monster Hunter Stories opening movie
    The only disappointing thing about this remastering effort is that the opening movie is still kind of low quality.

    Monster Hunter Stories holds its roots close to its heart to create a truly memorable spinoff. There is a bit of that clunk from originally being a lower-budget portable RPG, but it has heart! It really does a good job of taking classic Monster Hunter staples and making them fit the new format. Battles may be turn-based, but monsters are still crafty ‘lil buggers who will throw out mixups along with various other surprises. Collecting eggs to hatch new monsties is also a brilliant way to naturally incorporate Riders into the series. I was also quite shocked at how amazing the cutscenes looked for a 3DS game. There is actually amazing animation and expression going on! Too bad those cutscenes are few and far between… Monster Hunters Stories is a truly charming experience that’s definitely worth a shot! Plus, with this new HD version, you get to enjoy new content, voice acting, and higher framerates!

    Disclaimer: Capcom provided Final Weapon with a PlayStation 4 copy of Monster Hunter Stories for review purposes.


    Monster Hunter Stories is a fun spinoff that holds its roots close to its heart. Dozens of new ideas were thrown in together to create a fun new take on the Monster Hunter series. With new content, voice acting, and higher framerates, the rerelease of Monster Hunter Stories is one worth your time.
    Payne Grist
    Payne Grist
    Payne is a huge fan of JRPGs. SQUARE ENIX owns his heart, especially their 'FINAL FANTASY' series. He is currently studying various mediums of art and Japanese.

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    Monster Hunter Stories is a fun spinoff that holds its roots close to its heart. Dozens of new ideas were thrown in together to create a fun new take on the Monster Hunter series. With new content, voice acting, and higher framerates, the rerelease of Monster Hunter Stories is one worth your time.Monster Hunter Stories Review - Riding Onto Consoles Brilliantly!