Part 9 of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure manga, which is officially titled The JOJOLands, will begin serialization on Friday, February 17. Hirohiko Araki’s latest part in the storied series will begin in the March 2023 edition of Ultra Jump.
The teaser for The JOJOLands seems to contain a sailboat on an ocean sailing towards what looks like a mountain range. More information should be revealed in the upcoming weeks ahead of the first chapter’s release.
The JOJOLands
— ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 公式 (@araki_jojo) December 19, 2022
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure first began in 1987 and has continued ever since. It started in Weekly Shonen Jump and remained a staple of the magazine until 2005 when Araki transitioned to monthly chapters in Ultra Jump. His latest part, JoJolion, finished in August of last year. The announcement of Part 9 also occurred at this time.
The first six parts of the manga have been adapted into anime by David Production, with the last group of episodes airing just a few weeks ago for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean. A total of 190 episodes have aired for the series. An adaptation of Part 7, Steel Ball Run, is expected to be revealed sometime within the next few years.
The JOJOLands begins this February 17, 2023. Stay tuned to Final Weapon for the latest on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure!