WILD BUNCH Productions, a studio founded by key Wild Arms creators, and YUKIKAZE, a studio founded by the team that created Shadow Hearts, announced spiritual successors Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood in a double Kickstarter campaign.
The double Kickstarter campaign for Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood launches August 29. The games share a funding goal of $750,000, which ensures PC versions for release. Stretch goals will secure ports of the game to PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo platforms. An “Early-Bird Combo” pledge level will be available and allows early backers to pledge at a highly discounted price.
The Kickstarter Campaign features a “Combo Meter” that affects stretch goals for both games. Pledging to the campaign contributes to the Combo Meter of both games. As the Combo Meter builds up, more content will be unlocked for both games. Supporting one game or both contributes toward the overall campaign, further unlocks, and support for the developers.
Here’s an overview of each game via Gematsu:
Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness
■ About

Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness tells a dramatic story that unfolds in a world hurtling towards destruction. Players take the role of a group of Pathfinders and, with trusted ARMs in hand, embark on a perilous journey across a sprawling Westernpunk wilderness.
In a far flung corner of this world lies the land of Londenium, where a young man named Ingram loses his grandfather; the final tether binding him to his hometown. With no other reason to stay, and in hopes of reconnecting with his childhood friend, Ingram sets out on a new adventure as a Pathfinder, a branch of adventurers that utilize the powerful ARM (Aether Reaction Maximizer) weaponry to dispose of Anomalies that ravage the land.
Ingram’s journey will lead him to cross destinies with many a new friend and foe, and become embroiled in a monumental battle that’ll strike through Londenium’s past and its future.
Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness allows players to experience the spirit of a large-scale party-based Japanese RPG adventure—crossing the great expanse and using their wits to overcome any obstacle in their path.
Featuring a gigantic World Map, players will race, leap, solve puzzles, and feel the momentum of crossing the land, sea and air in high-speed vehicles as they explore and follow the story. The World Map of Armed Fantasia will be packed with things for players to do, rendered with a unique look not seen in other titles.
Dungeon exploration focuses on utilizing each party member’s unique Gadget. Players must switch between Gadgets to solve obstacles standing in their way, embracing the sense of victory when they finally open a particularly tricky path. Traps and treasures lie in wait across both the World Map and its dungeons, requiring both the characters’ skills and the player’s wits to solve and escape in one piece.
Battles in Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness will be turn-based but maintain a quick tempo, based on the Cross Order Tactics system. Successive character actions play a key role in the Chain Order, and disruptive Force Breaks interrupt enemy turn order, creating engagements filled with tension and suspense that will push players to carefully consider their battle strategy.
“I was charmed by the fact that something like a Double Kickstarter could be a new option for game development, so I decided to lead a new team. But in order for us to pave our way forward, we need everyone’s support!” says lead game designer Akifumi Kaneko.
With a team of veteran creators from the Wild Arms series, Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness aims for an expansive Westernpunk RPG experience with a modern look… and whistling!
■ Background Art
The Distant Land of Londenium

The majority of the ground is dried up and barren, and what little water or plant-life that is left is slowly fading away. That is the world of wilderness known as “Londenium.”
A millenium ago, civilization thrived all over Londenium. However, civilization collapsed and decayed and now humanity re-uses relics from previous ages and gathers in small settlements and villages to survive. Technology is still in its infancy.
The sole governing body that has led them is known as the “Order of the Sacred Key.” They want to take back the world for humanity. In order to achieve this goal, they develop and work together with adventurers known as .
■ Characters
Ingram Goodweather
“We’ve got a saying in my family. ‘Get mixed up with the Order and you’ll die a miserable death.’”

At 17 years old, Ingram is an up-and-coming Pathfinder. He grew up in a town filled with people trying to make it rich which helped him develop street smarts, giving him an air of someone wise beyond their years.
Ingram specializes in gun-type ARMs, utilizing speed to confuse his opponents and gain the upper-hand. He has a propensity for flashiness, dealing rapid damage to individual or multiple targets.
Alicia Fairhead
“We must be the vanguard that absorbs the headwind. That is the role of the Order, and my duty.”

19 years old and daughter of the leader of the Knights of the Order, Alicia is steadfast in her duty as a knight to protect the peace. Her bright and cheerful personality gives her an air of , but in battle she is a force to be reckoned with–using tall spear-type ARMs and shields to deal serious damage.
Euclid Sturges
“I figured that out a while back. There is no ‘end’ to the wilderness in this world.”

Ingram’s best friend who winds up moving because of family issues, leaving their childhood promise unfulfilled. In order to fulfill said promise, Euclid becomes a Pathfinder. 18 years old. He tries to handle everything intellectually if possible. He wields staff-type ARMs allowing him to fire magical energy and take advantage of enemy weak points.
■ Enemies
An outbreak of bizarre creatures known as the has spread across the world, becoming the main threat towards humanity in Armed Fantasia.
Though their origin is shrouded in mystery, Anomalies are believed to be a mutation of living creatures native to Londenium. However, some have since transcended their original nature, showing there is still much about them left to learn.
Not only is communication with them impossible, but their extremely hostile nature towards humans makes the Anomalies a menace that must be defeated at all costs.

With its four wings, the Gwiber slices through the arid skies. It has oppressive maneuverability, but even more dangerous is the poisonous stinger on its tail.
The number of victims of its high altitude hit-and-run tactics or succumbed to its excruciating venom are beyond count.

The Kongamoto is a ferocious predator of all living things, but with a particular predilection for human flesh. So rabid a creature it is that it’s even been rumored to feast on its own kind should starvation strike.
Records show occasions where the beats of its powerful wings have capsized merchant ships navigating the inland sea, making it deeply feared among sailors and seafaring folk.

In Armed Fantasia there are weapons constructed from corpses, created using prohibited magicks defiling the sanctity of life. Aptrganga is one of the strongest.
The Order once exposed a horrifying factory known as the Anomaly Cemetery where such impure creatures were being produced en masse and falling into the hands of evil men.
■ Weapons

“ARMs” are a secret weapon used by humanity in their battle against the “Anomalies” that roam the wilderness and dwell in the darkness of ruins.
ARM is short for “Aether Reaction Maximizer,” and is the name most people use to refer to them.
ARMs are machines that react to Aether (the source of magic within all living things), amplifying that power in order to drastically strengthen the user.
■ Screenshots
World Map

