SEGA and Atlus have launched a new Soul Hackers teaser site with a countdown ending on February 21st. An official Soul Hackers Twitter account was also launched alongside the site. According to the official Twitter account, the AI named “Aion” predicted mankind’s destruction and needs the help of users. In addition, Atlus shared a new video titled “Information Gathering Sequence #01” with even more teases below:
Information Gathering Sequence #01
Information Gathering Sequence #02 airs on February 18th at 6 AM EDT. A new stream will be presented daily until the reveal on February 21st.
Information Gathering Sequence #02
Information Gathering Sequence #03
Information Gathering Sequence #04
Atlus will host an “Aion Live Broadcasting Sequence” on February 21st at 6 AM EDT. Fans will be able to see the Soul Hackers reveal in Japanese and English below:
Stay tuned at Final Weapon for the latest Japanese gaming news and updates!