
    Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated is going to run at 60fps on the Nintendo Switch.

    Are you ready, kids? The cult classic SpongeBob SquarePants is back, in this faithfully crafted remaster!

    We all got to see actual gameplay during Gamescom a few days ago and while a lot of fans deemed the framerate a little choppy, the devs, on stage reassured everyone by stating that this was indeed a pre-alpha built and the final game will not only look better but it will also run at 60fps on all platforms. They also particularly insisted on the Nintendo Switch version, which is the weakest hardware of the three current consoles.

    This is great news because 3D platformers are best experienced at a high framerate. So are you excited kids?

    Hey i'm Jeff, people just call me Storm but anyway, I've played games all my life and while PC gaming is my little baby, that sure ain't stopping me from still playing on consoles. I play my Switch a lot and overall i'm a huge fan of franchises such as Smash, Gravity Rush, Devil May Cry, NieR, Witcher and more recently Xenoblade! Writing isn't the only way for me to express my love for video games as I also do art, I'm currently attending my second year in concept art and 3D modeling.

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