The highly anticipated Gears 5 releases September 10th for Xbox one and PC and since the official reveal at E3, we have been getting updated information about the next huge entry from The Coalition.
According to the post on the official Gears 5 website, Bootcamp will be a new way to practice your skills and learn new mechanics before joining the fight in Gears 5. You’ll play as Del as he helps Damon Baird gather combat data. This all takes place in specially-designed Training Grounds outside the House of Sovereigns.
Bootcamp seems like a great way to get comfortable with your skills and loadouts as there is a bit of a learning curve when fighting other players I’m multiplayer. For newcomers, this is also a great way to get you ready for what’s to come.
Gears 5 shines with Unreal Engine 4. The game looks stunning and should run at 4K resolution and 60 frames per second (FPS) on Xbox One X. Gears of War 4 ran at 4K 30 FPS during the campaign and 4K 60 FPS during multiplayer. This time around, both modes are the same frame rate.
Check out the video preview below to learn more about Bootcamp.