During Aniplex Online Fest 2024, Aniplex announced the anime adaptation for mono, a spin-off four panel manga by Laid-Back Camp creator Afro, will premiere in 2025. A new key visual featuring mono protagonist Satsuki Amamiya (voiced by Haruna Mikawa) was also unveiled.
Check out the new trailer and key visual below:
Like the manga, the mono anime will depict high school girls that are part of a “cinephoto” club, combining cinema and photography. Jujutsu Kaisen assistant director Ryota Aikei is directing the mono anime series at studio Soigne. Takuya Miyahara is the character designer, and Yoko Yonaiyama is the script writer. Aniplex will produce the anime series.
Previously, 8-Bit produced the animation for Laid-Back Camp Season 3, which premiered on April 4 for Japanese TV networks, including AT-X, Tokyo MX, and BS11. Crunchyroll is streaming the series right now.
Shin Tosaka is the director of Laid-Back Camp Season 3, and Masafumi Sugiura will handle series composition. Hisanori Hashimoto serves as the character designer, Akiyuki Tateyama is the composer, and Takeshi Takadera is the sound director. Kiminone performs the opening theme song “Laid-Back Journey” for Laid-Back Camp Season 3. In addition, Asaka performs the ending theme song “So Precious.”
Lastly, all three seasons of Laid-Back Camp and the Laid-Back Camp movie are available now to stream on Crunchyroll. The mono anime will premiere in 2025, and it’s unclear whether it will come to Crunchyroll.