A recent trailer for the Trillion Game anime has confirmed that the series will air on October 3. Additionally, it also confirmed more members of the series’ cast. Crunchyroll will stream the anime as it airs. Further, &TEAM will perform the opening theme song “Beat the Odds,” and Klang Ruler will perform the ending theme song “Unbelievable.”
The staff and cast of the series include the following:
- Art Board: Hideyuki Ueno
- Art Setting: Shinji Sugiyama
- Color Key Artist: Terumi Nakauchi
- Compositing Director of Photography: Hironobu Hatanaka
- VFX Supervisor: Michiya Katō
- 3D Director: Yasutaka Tanaka
- Editing: Mariko Tsukatsune
- Sound Director: Kisuke Koizumi
- Sound Effects: Naoto Yamatani
- Sound Production: Magic Capsule
- Takeo Ōtsuka as Haru Tennōji
- Shōya Ishige as Manabu “Gaku” Taira
- M.A.O as Kirika Kokuryu
- Hiroki Tōchi as Kazuki Kedōin
- Yuki Tanaka as Rinrin Takahashi
- Ryōta Suzuki as Sakura
- Sayaka Senbongi as Futaba
- Rikuya Yasuda as Nanamori
- Yūki Shin as Ogura
Check out the new trailer below:
Here’s an overview of the series, via MyAnimeList:
Meet Haru Tennouji, a charismatic communicator beloved by all, regardless of age or gender. He may come across as easygoing, but beneath that façade lies an unwavering ambition for success. When offered a prestigious position at the nation’s largest IT company, “Dragon Bank,” he does the unexpected—turning it down in favor of embarking on an entrepreneurial journey alongside his friend, Manabu Taira. Their audacious objective: to amass a staggering 1 trillion dollars.
Now, let’s introduce Manabu, a brilliant engineer armed with remarkable IT acumen. Personality-wise, he’s the antithesis of Haru—introverted, and a tad awkward in social interactions. Having faced rejection from “Dragon Bank” due to his communication challenges, he joins forces with Haru, sharing in the colossal ambition of earning that elusive 1 trillion dollars.