Following the announcement of Tales of Graces f Remastered, Bandai Namco released a video message from series general producer Yusuke Tomizawa, teasing more announcements to celebrate the Tales of 30th anniversary.
According to Tomizawa, many activities and announcements are planned for the Tales of 30th anniversary. These festivities will remind fans “of the best of what this series has to offer.” Tomizawa also says that Bandai Namco is working hard to ensure fans that the series can be enjoyed by newcomers and veterans alike.
Watch the new video below on Twitter:
The Tales of Series turns 30 in December 2024!
Watch this video to learn more about Tales of Graces f Remastered with General Producer Tomizawa-san. #TalesofGracesf #TOGfR
— Tales of Series (@TalesofSeries) August 27, 2024
Bandai Namco has officially announced Tales of Graces f Remastered will release on January 17 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The remastered version will include enhanced visuals and gameplay, the ability to switch encounters on and off, previously released DLC, and more. All versions of the game will run at 60 FPS, with the exception of the Nintendo Switch version.
Here’s an overview of the game from Bandai Namco:
In Tales of Graces f Remastered, players will follow the adventures of Asbel and his friends as they embark on a world-spanning quest filled with unforgettable characters, shocking revelations, and unique companions brought together through promises made across time. The title is set in the world of Ephinea, a planet blessed with abundant greenery. The journey takes players across a world ruled by three great nations, each with the power of Eleth.
Tales of Graces f initially released in Japan in 2009 on the Nintendo Wii. Later, the game would release on the PlayStation 3 and would be localized in 2012.