Amazing Seasun Games has announced that Mecha BREAK, which just wrapped up its Open Beta, has surpassed over 1,000,000 wishlists on Steam. In addition, the team shared statistics for the Open Beta, citing over 2,800,000 registrants and 51,000 concurrent players on Steam.
Mecha BREAK is an upcoming 6v6 mecha action title featuring mech designs from Junya Ishigaki and Takayuki Yanase. The high-stakes action of the title looks to make impressive waves if the Open Beta is anything to go by. Take a look at the new gameplay below, in addition to a description via Steam:
Discover an array of assault, melee, sniper, reconnaissance, and support mechs, each with unique playstyles. Engage in immersive aerial and ground combat, employing strategic tactics for close and long-range encounters. Unleash devastating firepower, scorch foes with precision beams, and rain missiles upon the battlefield.
Prepare for adrenaline-pumping battles, lightning-fast maneuvers, and explosive firepower. Experience the essence of speed, power, and thrilling controls. Unleash the power of an imposing battle-ax, unyielding halberd, or agile laser sword in epic brawls. Navigate intense bombardments, penetrate enemy defenses, and execute stealthy ambushes. Precisely block close-range strikes and deliver lethal parries.
Customize your mech down to its individual parts with precision. Personalize every detail, from full-body paint jobs to unique hues for armor, internal framework, and weaponry. Choose from a variety of colors, wear levels, glosses, and metallic finishes to showcase your unique style. Enhance your mech further with patterns and decals to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Mecha BREAK is set to release across Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam in 2025. You can add to the total wishlists today by heading to the Steam page and wishlisting Mecha BREAK.