Marvelous USA announced that Naruto Emblem Battle, previously known as Naruto Arcade Battle, is starting its nationwide rollout in North America this summer. Additionally, the game will be playable at Anime Expo 2024, which will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 4-7. This arcade will be the first Naruto arcade title featuring collectibles in North America.
Last year, Marvelous USA hosted several location tests across the United States in different Round1 and Kiddleton venues. Californians who are interested in playing the game can try the game out at the Round1 Bowling & Arcade in Lakewood Center.
Players will be able to experience Naruto Emblem Battle on a 50-inch screen arcade cabinet. Each time you play the game, you will be given a card called a Shinobi Plate that you can use to summon characters. There are different kinds of Shinobi Plates, so players can gather a huge diverse collection of them.
To play this game, start by using your tokens or credits. Afterward, aim and throw a kunai at the moving target on the screen to earn a Shinobi Plate. Hitting any target will reward you with a Shinobi Plate, but hitting smaller targets will give you a rare one. The goal is to form a team with up to four Shinobi Plates and head into battle, although you can start with fewer.
From here, you can go into battle and move one of your Shinobi Plates to the center of the screen to attack. Engage in a button-mashing battle to unleash special attacks and reduce your opponent’s HP to zero. Each Shinobi Plate you collect has unique attributes, special attacks, and skills, so choose wisely to create a strong team.
Check out the official trailer below: