
    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Review – A Rip-Roaringly Good Rerelease

    Freshly hatched on more platforms!

    Monster Hunter is a huge series that boasts large-scale multiplayer action. Players spend countless hours quelling raging beasts and improving their gear. But every coin has two sides. Hunters and Riders. Hunters slay while Riders nurture. Both have their roles to play, so put your greatsword down, Hunter! Create unbreakable bonds and ride on towards your own story! Our Monster Hunter Stories 2 Review will prep you with all the info you need on this latest re-release!

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 rathalos egg

    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin originally launched for Nintendo Switch and PC on July 9, 2021. This sequel offered a huge jump in presentation and an even greater push towards storytelling. Improved gameplay systems over the original also create a modern feel. The newly released PlayStation port may not have any new bells and whistles, but it has its strengths.

    Upgrading the ‘Look and Feel’ Kit

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 rathalos egg
    Things are a bit different from last time, huh?

    As a sequel, Monster Hunter Stories 2’s main goal should be refining the formula that the first game established. And it does with flying colors! Upon first glance, you can see the sizable graphical overhaul. The sparse open areas, simplistic character models, and low-res textures of Monster Hunter Stories are now brimming with significantly more detail due to the stronger base hardware. That base hardware target is the Switch. The jump from the paltry strength of the 3DS to the HD-capable Switch is a nice one, even with the original game being a graphical standout for a 3DS game. Even this first impression should leave any prospective player hopeful for a better sequel.

    Raw fidelity is nice, but it’s how the game uses it that makes it impressive. Monster Hunter Stories 2 doesn’t shoot for photorealism, but it uses amazingly stylized characters and monsters paired with lively animation work to create a memorable presentation experience. In battle, attacks have impact and flair, while in cutscenes, the emotion is palpable. The massively upgraded lighting and effects tie everything together by making gameplay and story segments pop in ways the original was incapable of capturing. Not to mention, the increased scale combined with significantly fewer loading gates breaking up the action increases the immersion.

    Even outside of the fidelity jump, Monster Hunter Stories 2 just FEELS better in many ways. Actual gameplay elements have seen adjustments that create a substantial upgrade beyond the graphics. Just moving around, turning the camera, and navigating menus is more responsive, ensuring that base-level play is more satisfying. That’s not including the mechanics that have been added or fine-tuned!

    Mechanics Sharpened to a Keen Edge

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 scene
    Are these mechanics sharp enough to slash this thing’s hide?

    What’s an upgraded kit if it’s not put to good use? Yes, a better look and feel are already much appreciated for a sequel, but the real magic starts to happen when these elements are applied in interesting ways. MHS2 also accomplishes this. Tweaks to the battle system and smoothly implemented subquests create an experience that goes down easily. 

    I personally like a few of the adjustments to battle a ton. Being able to swap weapons mid-battle adds a lot of variety on top of an extra layer of strategy. Now, you can factor your weapons into exploiting monster weaknesses. I also adore the addition of Battle Buddies. Having actual companions join you with their own monsties adds even more weight to the story while tying to the theme of forging bonds quite well. Do you know what else is an amazing small tweak that makes battles more enjoyable and ties to the theme? The fact that activating the ‘Ride’ command now revitalizes you and your monstie. That’s so awesome! The power of friendship is a new key point to the flow of battle!

    I also deeply appreciate the improved flow of the side content. There are many things that make this stand out to me. A lot of the clunkiness from the original has been filtered out with map improvements and the huge decrease in loading gates. Being able to access caravans from your map menu is also a blessing. These tweaks, combined with the sublime menus, made me quite addicted to farming and completing subquests. I just couldn’t get as into this stuff as MHS1.

    The Definitive Console Experience?

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 pueki pueki
    Surely a PlayStation doesn’t ride smoother than a Pueki…

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a Switch game at its core, so the upgrades seen in the previously released PC port and the newly hatched PS4 port revolve around stability. You won’t be finding any new content or additions beyond having a silky and crips experience. This sadly makes the PS4 version of the game a tough buy for people who already own another edition. Especially when compared to the substantial additions made to the rerelease of Monster Hunter Stories. That remaster includes an entire dub along with formerly Japan-only content. You can’t really beat that! Despite this, the PS4 version of Monster Hunter Stories 2 is by far the best way to play on consoles and possibly a more suitable option than PC for some!

    The original Switch version of Monster Hunter Stories 2 doesn’t run or look particularly poorly. When docked, the game outputs at 900p, which isn’t bad for the Switch. However, “isn’t bad” can’t be said about the framerate. To be fair, it isn’t AWFUL on Switch. You usually get around 30 fps on average, with unfortunately consistent dips into the 20s. A 60 fps cap is implemented, so there are spots that run amazingly, plus future-proofing. Gorgeous art design does a ton of the heavy lifting, yes, but the game is nowhere near unplayable.

    Worry-free play is what you get on PlayStation. You get a consistent 60 fps along with a much higher resolution than Switch. Load times are also brisk, being only a handful of seconds on average. This is the definitive console version of the game. You just can’t go wrong with it unless you value portable play significantly more. 

    An ‘Egg’cellent Book 2

    Monster Hunter Stories 2 Ratha and Red
    No spoilers for you! Just vague screenshots!

    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin enamored me with its wonderfully stylized graphics and genuine mechanical improvements. Cutscenes are denser than the original while being splendid eye candy. I also couldn’t help but get into the grind, just like the main Monster Hunter series. There’s plenty here to do, from the engaging main story to arguably more engaging farming loops that Monster Hunter is known for as a series. Plus, the PlayStation version ushers into a new world of clarity and silky smoothness, ensuring that nothing comes between players and their gameplay experience. 

    Disclaimer: Capcom provided Final Weapon with a PlayStation 4 copy of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin for review purposes.


    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin accomplishes exactly what a solid sequel should. Everything from the graphics to the game mechanics has been upgraded or tuned in various ways to create a smoother, yet new, experience. Improved fidelity, stronger ease-of-play, more cohesive maps, and battle adjustments make Monster Hunter Stories 2 a more modern feeling game while unabashedly still being a proper Monster Hunter AND RPG experience.
    Payne Grist
    Payne Grist
    Payne is a huge fan of JRPGs. SQUARE ENIX owns his heart, especially their 'FINAL FANTASY' series. He is currently studying various mediums of art and Japanese.

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    Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin accomplishes exactly what a solid sequel should. Everything from the graphics to the game mechanics has been upgraded or tuned in various ways to create a smoother, yet new, experience. Improved fidelity, stronger ease-of-play, more cohesive maps, and battle adjustments make Monster Hunter Stories 2 a more modern feeling game while unabashedly still being a proper Monster Hunter AND RPG experience.Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Review - A Rip-Roaringly Good Rerelease