
    Final Fantasy XVI Shares Anniversary Artwork of Clive Rosfield

    New celebratory art.

    The Final Fantasy XVI team has shared brand-new art to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the game. This art features protagonist Clive Rosfield. Final Fantasy XVI was launched on June 22 exclusively for PlayStation 5. The game is currently in development for PC.

    You can take a look at this new artwork below:

    In addition to this artwork, Main Director Hiroshi Takai shared a message about the game to celebrate the anniversary. He teased that the team is working hard to put the game in as many players’ hands as possible so platforms beyond PC could be happening in the future. Take a look at the full message below:

    Final Fantasy XVI was developed by Creative Business Unit III, led by Director Hiroshi Takai and Producer Naoki Yoshida. CBUIII is behind the critically acclaimed MMO Final Fantasy XIV, which continues to grow each year.

    Clive Rosfield is the main protagonist of the title, voiced by Ben Starr. He is the only playable character, as the game has a high action focus, or at least more so than previous Final Fantasy titles. Combat design has been directed by Ryota Suzuki, who was a key member of the Devil May Cry 5 and Dragon’s Dogma combat design teams. 

    Final Fantasy XVI was launched on June 22, 2023, exclusively on PlayStation 5. 

    Check out all of Final Weapon’s Final Fantasy XVI coverage in our Compendium, available right here!

    Noah Hunter
    Noah Hunter
    Noah is Final Weapon’s Editor-in-Chief. He co-founded the website in June 2019 and has been writing for it ever since. In total, he has over five years of writing experience across many publications, including IGN Entertainment. His favorite series include Xeno and Final Fantasy.

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