Amazon has announced that a new live-action Prime Video TV series based on the hit SEGA & Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Like a Dragon franchise is set to premiere later this fall. The series, titled ‘Like a Dragon: Yakuza’, will span six episodes and release in two waves: one on October 25 and the other on November 1.
While this series does not specifically follow the story of the games, it will somewhat follow the events of the first game, simply titled Yakuza. The story centers around Kiryu Kazuma and takes place in both 1995 and 2005. Characters such as Goro Majima, Haruka Sawamura, Reina, Makoto Date, Shintaro Kazuma, and Akira Nishikiyama are all also expected to appear in this retelling of Yakuza.
The series itself will mostly take place in the fictional city of Kamurocho, based on the Kabukicho district in Tokyo. The first Yakuza title follows Kiryu Kazama after he is sentenced to 10 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Once free, he gets involved in a massive mystery with 10 billion yen missing from the Tojo Clan.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is one of SEGA’s biggest properties currently, with the series received annual releases for the past few years. This year, the eighth mainline installment, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, arrived, featuring both Ichiban Kasuga and Kazuma Kiryu as protagonists. In our 5/5 review, we stated the game “is a grand, momentous adventure that sees players control both of the series protagonists in a story that ultimately shapes the future of Like a Dragon.”