Manga creator Taku Kuwabara has launched a new Pokémon manga dedicated to Snorlax titled Snorlax’s Dream Gourmet. The first chapter is available via the Project Kabigon (Project Snorlax) Twitter/X account.
Last year, The Pokémon Company launched the Project Kabigon website/social media account. The project highlights different parts of the fan-favorite creature, Snorlax. Recently, The Pokémon Company delayed the Netflix release of their latest series, Pokémon Horizons, to March 2024. Expect them to reveal more about the series soon.
Snorlax’s Dream Gourmet Details
On the official Project Kabigon Twitter/X account, the first chapter of the Snorlax’s Dream Gourmet manga officially launched. Taku Kuwabara, creator of the Drifting Dragons series, also created this new series. According to Anime News Network, the manga “centers on Kumura, a student at Uva Academy who is working on a ‘dream scanner’ machine that turns someone’s dreams into sound. She studies a Snorlax’s dreams and how they change by giving it different kinds of food.”
Another new Pokémon series, titled Horizons, is set to launch on Netflix in March. Here’s a synopsis of the anime series, courtesy of The Pokémon Company:
A new adventure is beginning within the wide world of Pokémon! Arriving at Indigo Academy, a girl named Liko receives her first partner Pokémon, Sprigatito. But she soon finds herself pursued by the Explorers, a mysterious group that’s determined to take the pendant necklace she wears.
Liko isn’t on her own, though, as Friede, Captain Pikachu, and the other Rising Volt Tacklers offer her protection aboard their airship. Meanwhile, a boy named Roy dreams of becoming a Pokémon Trainer, unaware of the secret hiding within the Ancient Poké Ball he carries. As Liko, Roy, and the Rising Volt Tacklers set sail for new horizons, what kind of discoveries await?
Lastly, the first chapter of Snorlax’s Dream Gourmet is available on the official Project Kabigon Twitter/X account. Pokémon Horizons: The Series will premiere on March 7 for Netflix. Further, Pokémon‘s most recent anime, Pokémon Concierge, is also available to watch now on Netflix. Check out our official review of the series here.