
    Final Fantasy XVI: All About Combat Director Ryota Suzuki

    Ryota Suzuki, Combat Director of Final Fantasy XVI

    Learn all about the Final Fantasy XVI Combat Director by reading this Creator Spotlight right here on Final Weapon! This informative piece will briefly talk about Ryota Suzuki so that prospective players of Final Fantasy XVI can get to know the crew behind the game more personally.

    Final Fantasy XVI is the next entry in the lauded RPG series. Final Fantasy as a franchise has always had some of the biggest talents available on the development team. Combat Director Ryota Suzuki is a welcome addition and is an integral part of the style of Final Fantasy‘s newest entry.

    Who is Ryota Suzuki?

    Ryota Suzuki

    Ryota Suzuki has mostly worked for Capcom in various planning and designer roles for their action and fighting games. Making him a desirable and talented developer to have on any action project.

    What’s His Role in FFXVI?

    Suzuki is the Combat Director of Final Fantasy XVI. He is responsible for making all of the combat systems come together to formulate a deep and fun way to deal with your foes.

    What Has He Worked on Previously?

    Let’s cover some of Ryota’s roles that don’t fit into the current image of him. He was an effects designer on Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Ryota was also a play tester for Street Figher Alpha 3; setting him on the path to working on games in more direct roles.

    Ryota has a ton of pedigree when it comes to action games. He was a Planner on many influential action titles and fighting games. Some of the big titles he’s worked on include Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Dragon’s Dogma.

    Recently he was a Designer on the action-game masterpiece, Devil May Cry 5. Devil May Cry 5 is a game full of style and heart. It can be played by people of different skill levels yet has a remarkably high skill ceiling. Hopefully Final Fantasy XVI will exhibit these same qualities! 

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    Payne Grist
    Payne Grist
    Payne is a huge fan of JRPGs. SQUARE ENIX owns his heart, especially their 'FINAL FANTASY' series. He is currently studying various mediums of art and Japanese.

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