The Pokémon Company announced Dragon-type Defender Pokémon Goodra is available now in Pokémon UNITE. This new addition to the Pokémon UNITE excels at slowing down enemy Pokémon, providing openings for allies to attack.
Pokémon UNITE players may obtain Goodra for 12,000 Aeos coins or 575 Aeos gems at the Unite Battle Committee shop. However, Goodra will only be obtainable with Aeos gems for the first week of its release. Players choosing to obtain Goodra with Aeos gems must do so before March 23 comes around.
Goodra’s Gooey ability slows down enemies while healing Goodra in the process. The slowing effect caused by Gooey stacks up to four times per enemy Pokémon. When Goodra enters tall grass, it will continuously regain a set amount of health until it attacks or leaves the tall grass. The Pokémon’s Unite Move, Right as Rain, causes rain to fall on Goodra, healing it and causing attacks to become boosted.
Goodra’s Power Whip ability also decreases enemy movement speed while dealing damage in Pokémon UNITE. If the opposing Pokémon is distant, Power Whip draws them in with the attack. The Power Whip ability may be upgraded to apply the Gooey ability effect on opponents. Further, the Acid Spray ability works similarly to Power Whip while dealing additional damage to enemy Pokémon near the affected target.
Although Goodra is great at slowing down enemies and dealing damage over time with boosted attacks, ranged attacks from enemy Pokémon like Decidueye are its weakness. Players should use Goodra against close-range Attacker Pokémon like Buzzwole. Buzzwole will be unable to counterattack efficiently without Ranged Attacker Pokémon supporting it against Goodra.
Check out Goodra in the latest Pokémon UNITE trailer below via The Pokémon Company:
Lastly, Pokémon UNITE is available now for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch with cross-play support on all three platforms.