Square Enix released two new trailers for Star Ocean: The Divine Force introducing characters Midas Felgreed and Nina Deforges.
Here’s an overview of the Star Ocean: The Divine Force characters along with their respective trailers via Square Enix:
Midas Felgreed is one of the most brilliant semiomancers and engineers in all of the Aucerian Kingdom. Although his thirst for knowledge often sees him forego laws and basic ethics, Midas is still a man of strong principle who always finishes what he starts.
Nina Deforges is one of the few people in Aucerius who can wield healing magic known as iatrimancy. She tirelessly devotes herself to create a cure for the deadly disease that claimed her father’s life.
Lastly, Star Ocean: The Divine Force releases October 27 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.