Granblue Fantasy director Tetsuya Fukuhara has stated that 4 trailers will air during Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019 this month! One trailer will be for Granblue Fantasy Relink and two other trailers will be for Granblue Fantasy Versus. In addition, a trailer for the Granblue Fantasy mobile game will air as well. Here is Fukuhara’s tweet confirming the information:
フェスまであと2週間… 例によってGBVSのPV2本と、グラブル本編PVのうち1本を担当していてラストスパート。果たして間に合うのか(現在進捗25%くらい)
RelinkのPVは大阪スタジオが頑張ってくれたのでご期待ください。— 福原哲也 (@hiyopi) December 1, 2019
Cygames will be very busy during Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019. The event is held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan from December 13th to the 15th. Stay tuned at Final Weapon for the latest Japanese gaming news!