
    Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass wave 2 DLC and Maddening Mode update are available now

    Expansion Pass wave 2 DLC for Fire Emblem: Three Houses is available now! Nintendo has just announced this alongside a free update including Maddening Mode. Wave 2 DLC includes new attire, items, and axuillary battles. Here are some images provided by Nintendo:

    Maddening Mode serves as a greater challenge in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Completing a play-through in this mode without carrying over save data will change the title screen.

    Stay tuned at Final Weapon for more news regarding Nintendo Switch titles!


    Soul Kiwami
    Soul Kiwami
    Raul Ochoa, a.k.a. Soul Kiwami, is the Managing Editor of Final Weapon and a Games Writer at Game Rant with four years of writing and editing experience. Raul is passionate about the Japanese gaming industry, and he's a huge fan of Nintendo Switch, PC hardware, JRPGs, and fighting games. business email: [email protected] | Muck Rack:

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